October 23, 2012

Intro -

Sofia. Not Sofi (as she'll guess you named your pet).

Not "Sof" (the 'a' that naturally follows would feel tempted to sway in there), and definitely not "Sofa" (see that).

She was born in Velletri, Italy, but raised Latina with copious amounts of arepas straight out of Venezuela.

She used to live by the cyan waters of Boca Raton, FL but moved to Washington, DC to pursue a career in animal rights.

She has a pretty maddening tendency to "vomit" her thoughts all over the page; almost every thought of hers needs a sub-thought.

However, not many people can translate feelings to words. Even if it does require keeping a hefty brown bag in case nausea kicks in and an Advil in arm's reach.

1 comment:

  1. But no critique??? No Reply along the way????? XoXO Philo
